If you have a premature baby, please be more vigilant to protect your premature baby from the flu.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that influenza activity is expected to begin next month, so it's time to start thinking where can I buy soma 200 mg Chandler about getting vaccinated. If your premature baby is over 6 months of age, consult your pediatrician about the vaccine against influenza for him or where can I buy soma 200 mg Chandler her. If your baby is less than 6 months, the best way to protect against the flu is to ensure that everyone in your household received a flu shot. Always wash hands, limiting exposure to schoolchildren and the use of influenza vaccine to prevent family members against influenza can reduce the chances of premature baby flu.
The dangers of smoking during pregnancy are well known - smoking can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature labor cause, increase the risk of SIDS, and cause other problems for mother and baby. Because smoking is so dangerous, many mothers decide to where can I buy soma 200 mg Chandler stop smoking to protect the health of your baby. New research shows that quitting where can I buy soma 200 mg Chandler smoking by switching to smokeless snuff (dip, snuff, chewing tobacco) during pregnancy, which can cause even more problems. In a study published in this month's issue of The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers studied more than 600 000 mothers and their babies.
The researchers compared the smoking mothers with mothers who use snuff, smokeless tobacco, and found that mothers who use where can I buy soma 200 mg Chandler snuff smoke during pregnancy were more likely to have premature babies than in smokers and their babies are more likely to have periods of not breathing (apnea).
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