zaterdag 24 september 2011

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stty-f / # clocal dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4 Assume a line without modem control (no DCD). stty-f / dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4-parenb # Disables parity order soma low price Athens generation and detection. stty-f order soma low price Athens / # dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4 CS8 8-bit font size Select. stty -f/dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4-CSTOPB # order soma low price Athens Use one stop bit per character. stty-f / Disable dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4-IEXTEN # implementation-defined characters no special handling # icanon currently controlled by, or ISIG Ixon. # In addition, it is necessary for error-free Zmodem transfer. stty-f / # Disable dev/cu.SxProS4P4.4-ixon START / STOP output control. stty-f / # dev/cu.SxProS4P4.order soma low price Athens 4-IXOFF The system does not send START / STOP characters when the input queue is nearly empty # / order soma low price Athens full. Note that the replacement cu.SxProS4P4.4 with the name of your serial port in particular. The management of the Apple II to order soma low price Athens act as a serial terminal order soma low price Athens for the Mac is much less complicated than the preparation of the Mac for you order soma low price Athens to do. For these instructions, we will assume that you have connected the two computers with a hardware null modem serial cable and installed Serial Protermo 3.1 on the Apple II. [11] order soma low price Athens In the dialog menu Protermo install more, you do not select a modem driver (RTS / CTS) for the modem, and also select the correct interface for the port and the appropriate number of the slot.

To boot, you want the blank value, as there is in pasimpliqués modem connection. In the System dialog box in the Create menu Protermo dial-up, first in order soma low price Athens a system and thensave it.

Then, in the same dial order soma low price Athens menu, select the system you just created to display the System Settings dialog. Here you leave empty Number System, and select the transmission rate order soma low price Athens according to the speed entered in the Mac / etc / gettytab and specified order soma low price Athens in the / etc / ttys. Then, mark the data format is 8N1, full duplex, and emulate playback VT-100 in December.

While in this screen, select the PARMS and protocol auto-start, select Zmodem. Consider the preferences dialog of the various menus Protermo. This area has many options on order soma low price Athens the Forward button, which will be of interest for file transfer.

While a discussion of these is beyond the scope of this article, you should familiarize yourself with them. Also beyond the scope of this article is Proterm powerful macro language ability, which can only be done by the ordinary operations of file transfer, but also to automate many routine tasks Unix, as the process of connection. Finally Making the Connection The moment of truth has arrived, and quickly determine if they have a successful Apple II series intelligent terminal on your Mac first, restart your Mac order soma low price Athens can read getty This changes order soma low price Athens the file to the ATS / etc / and / etc / gettytab, stty commands and allows the serial port you entered in / etc / profile to run.

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